Using Stretching To Improve Your Power | Kickers of Earth

When kicking, we want to have the strongest, most flexible leg on the field. When we step on the field, we want to know with full confidence that our legs and body are prepared. Stretching is extremely important since it allows our body to become more fluid throughout the kicking motion. Throughout this article, we … Read more

Here’s 3 Ways you can Focus More in Games

3 ways to focus more in games

When you’re trying to focus more in games, there are a few really great ways to lock in during practice to help come game time. While it’s great to have all these different methods, these are the ones I believe are more helpful than other methods.  Crowd noise/Distracting sounds In order to really focus more … Read more

3 ways leg speed makes you a better kicker and punter

Leg speed improves height and power

Leg speed is the rate at which your leg moves through the plane of the kicking motion. The beautiful thing about kicking and punting is you can be 5’ 2” and still be in the NFL as long as you’ve got an incredibly fast swing, consistent foot-to-ball contact, and the consistency to back it up. … Read more

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