5 ways How To Use Your Arms To Kick Better

Use your arms when kicking field goals

I wanted to make this article to show you how to use your arms when you kick because the arms are a huge part of what we do. If you remember Ricky Bobby, when his hands come up, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands, kind of like what a lot of us … Read more

How to stop curving your field goals

How to stop curving your kicks

I wanted to make this post to talk about how to stop curving your field goals and ways to avoid it. I wanted to give you an idea of what it means to avoid curving your field goals. It happens for a lot of different reasons, but we’re going to boil it down to some … Read more

How to find a Pre-Kick Routine That Works For You

How to find a pre kick routine that works for you

I wanted to make this article to help you understand what it means to find your own routine in your kick. I think everyone has their own routine. They’ve all got the one that works for them the most. It was really nice to watch a very specific NFL kicker do his thing over the … Read more

How To Get More Consistent Foot To Ball Contact

How to get better foot to ball contact

Getting better foot-to-ball contact on your field goals, kickoffs, and punts is a simple but tricky thing to do.  A lot of times, we, including myself, get into a mode where we’re overthinking a lot of things when in reality it’s just best to get back to the basics. So, that’s what this article is … Read more

The Best Kicking Muscle You DON’T Know About

the one muscle you don't know about!

What is the most important kicking muscle that you’re probably neglecting? It’s called the psoas muscle. The psoas muscle is the only muscle that connects your spine to your hips, and that is the muscle in between your belly button and your hip muscles. If you point to your belly button, come to the side … Read more

What Should Your Field Goal Kick Count Be?

How many kicks should you have per day?

What should your kick count look like during game week and in the offseason? Well, this will vary from your offseason, but the principles stay the same where you want to have a very consistent routine and not break that routine as the months go on. In terms of kick count for field goals, you … Read more

How To find your perfect authentic Swing

finding your perfect authentic swing

Today we’re going to talk about how to find your perfect authentic swing. Before we get into that, I just want to address that The Art of Kicking, both the journal and book versions, are out right now! You want to find your true, authentic swing. I think a lot of things have to happen … Read more

Should you consider a kicking coach?

do you need a kicking coach?

What makes a great kicking coach? How do you know if you found one or if you’re getting scammed into paying an outrageous amount of money to find the same information you can get elsewhere? Stay tuned to find out. What makes a great coach? It seems as if there are more and more Kicking … Read more

A Quick Breathing Exercise to Do When You Feel Stressed

Hey friends, I’m writing this blog post to give you a quick breathing exercise to do when you feel overwhelmed or stressed out. The method is called box breathing. And it goes like this. Doing the box breathing exercise Now do this for four minutes and you will see your mood will shift and your … Read more

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