Welcome to Kickers Of Earth! The platform to provide valuable tips and insight on how to improve your athletic performance!
This channel is operated and run by Eric Piccione – A former Division 1 Collegiate Athlete.
I grew up in Houston Texas playing soccer my whole life I felt like hitting someone would be my new favorite thing to do. So I signed up to play football. After the first practice I wanted to quit. I had to do….. Burpees “Gasp” But thank god I stuck with it (shoutout mom) because shortly after that, I was fortunate to get all of my schooling paid for throughout college. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows though.
I was a kicker with a strong leg but no accuracy. No kidding, I missed thousands of kicks and was too clueless to understand why. Youtube was my coach back in the day. I remember my brother laughed at me calling me a loser for studying so hard for something I could never play at the next level with.
It wasn’t until my first kicking camp during my sophomore year of high school that I learned I might have something going for me. I ended up winning the kicking camp and skyrocketing my confidence for the following year. I played varsity football my remaining two years of high school. During my summer going into senior year, I met my friend and kicking mentor Nick Gatto where I learned the proper technique on kicking a football.

I ended up winning all district kicker and punter and landed a few scholarships here and there but ultimately, my test scores were subpar so I went the JUCO route and played at Blinn College for two years. I attribute most of my success to the JUCO grind. It really is a different environment many people will never understand.
One game our locker room we had the luxury of choosing the equipment shed, or the ramp leading up to the second story of the stadium, yipee. Also, I had a bad game one time where I missed some shorter kicks and one of my teacher’s made fun of me for it. I will reference him later.
I worked my tail off during my freshman college summer to ball out my sophomore year. I ended my sophomore year with a 41 yard punt average with some game winners and a 66 yard punt long to finish my season. I wasn’t going to let my time at Blinn define me since I knew my standards for myself. So again, I went to work.

Shortly after my fall season at Blinn, I was to choose between a shot in the dark at Stephen F. Austin, Midwestern State University, Or Northwestern State University. Given that the NSULA kicker just graduated and the position was wide open along with the schools location in a great city, I decided to go to Northwestern State University to follow up All-American kicker Chris Moore. I definitely has some big shoes to fill but I was ready. The task was to beat out the already established 3 other kickers and punters that were there.
Since i’ve always been a fan of the GRIND, I had some added fuel with my teacher from Blinn helping me push myself. Being in a place where even your teachers are making fun is a bad place to be. So I used that to push me to be better, to do better.
After a few practices in spring I was fortunate enough to be named the starting Kicker and Punter for a Division 1 Football team.

The first game of the season, Baylor University, great. Previously, the biggest crowd I had ever kicked in front of was maybe 3,000 people. Now I get to kick in front of 55,000 people. Talk about an environment shift.
After that game, The remainder of my career in college was great. I wasn’t nearly as nervous because I could always fall back on, “I’ve played in Baylor stadium, this is nothing.”
My team wasn’t ever top tier but that gave me the opportunity to kick game winning field goals which will be some of my favorite moments. I made this blog to educate, explain my knowledge and experience, and everything in between.
I’ve spent years, and years, and years learning/adapting my technique to become the most smooth and fluid I can be. I’ve missed thousands upon thousands of kicks, gotten laughed at, ridiculed, and embarrassed by my own brother. And that is why I succeeded.
It is through the low moments of failure that I have since learned from is why I have the knowledge and confidence to be on this platform today. I am not perfect, but i’ve learned 10,500 ways not to kick a football, and mentally handle a situation, and that is what makes me successful.
I am always finding ways to adapt and educate myself further on the topics of personal development and kicking so I can help you guys and gals improve as well!

By following this blog, you will understand how to become the best version of yourself.
Not only in kicking, but in life!
If you have a question, get in touch with me either on here or social media! I can be found on all platforms @kickersofearth
I’ve included all of my resources in “The Art Of Kicking Ebook” so feel free to check that out!
Lastly, you can schedule a virtual training session with me here! We’ll be able to break down what you’re wanting to work through in practical, easy to follow steps so you can excel in your journey moving forward!
Please let me know what’s on your mind and how I can help in any way, I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP!