5 ways How To Get Perfect Ball Contact On Field Goals

Get perfect ball contact

Today we’re going to talk about ball contact and where specifically you should hit on the ball. Ball contact. First thing, a lot of guys are asking, “Where do I need to hit the ball with my foot and what part of the ball?” Now, divide the ball into three sections – the top third, … Read more

What Should Your Field Goal Kick Count Be?

How many kicks should you have per day?

What should your kick count look like during game week and in the offseason? Well, this will vary from your offseason, but the principles stay the same where you want to have a very consistent routine and not break that routine as the months go on. In terms of kick count for field goals, you … Read more

Why NFL Kickers Are So Good

What makes an NFL Kicker So Good?

NFL kickers are paid millions of dollars to kick a football through the uprights. So, what makes them different from everybody else? Stay tuned to find out. I wanted to cover several topics related to NFL kickers and what separates them from average kickers. First, what percentage of kickers make it to the NFL?  In … Read more

How To find your perfect authentic Swing

finding your perfect authentic swing

Today we’re going to talk about how to find your perfect authentic swing. Before we get into that, I just want to address that The Art of Kicking, both the journal and book versions, are out right now! You want to find your true, authentic swing. I think a lot of things have to happen … Read more

A Quick Fix For Better Accuracy On Field Goals

Get better accuracy on field goals with these simple fixes

When you’re talking about getting better accuracy on field goals, everything is about straight lines. Whether you’re lining up on the left hash or right hatch or down the middle, it doesn’t matter. Everything is straight. Because if you take your steps randomly, and you’re not really sure where you’re gonna end up,  one time … Read more

Should you consider a kicking coach?

do you need a kicking coach?

What makes a great kicking coach? How do you know if you found one or if you’re getting scammed into paying an outrageous amount of money to find the same information you can get elsewhere? Stay tuned to find out. What makes a great coach? It seems as if there are more and more Kicking … Read more

10 Ways To Create An Explosive Kicking Technique

Developing an explosive kicking technique definitely requires dedication, an understanding of the steps required, and the desire to improve your kicks.  While this post will mainly aim to improve your explosive kicking technique for field goals and how to improve your accuracy, this could be applied to soccer, martial arts, muay thai, karate, and other … Read more

3 Great Ways To Use Rehab Bands For Kicking

Rehab bands for kicking have always been one of my favorite ways to warm up, get a workout in, and cool down. Rehab bands allow your body to use every muscle for kicking but with added resistance.  Unlike with leg weights, bands allow you to work on more than just your leg muscles.  Rehab bands … Read more

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